Thursday, July 07, 2005

"YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!" or what every bureaucrat thinks of you

Freudian slip's are just priceless when they are accidentally uttered by the Political class.What I am about to share with you wasn't a freudian slip though which makes it that much funnier.

Below is a small story which got scant coverage probably because it exposed the citizenry to the truth of what bureaucrats think of them:

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. -- A New York state lawmaker says he's embarrassed, after he mistakenly sent out an e-mail message that referred to his constituents as "idiots."

Assemblyman Willis Stephens says he thought he was sending the e-mail to an aide. Instead, he sent the note to nearly 300 people on an online discussion group that focuses on the community of Brewster.
The message included the comment that he was "just watching the idiots pontificate."

To an Anarcho-Capitalist such as myself this comes as no surprise to me that someone working for the State would utter something like this. Government by necessity has to presume it's constituents too stupid to govern their own affairs. How else can they justify making adult decisions for people who are presumably adults?

Truth be told the Political class views it's constituents as a bunch of overgrown children incapable of handling the responsibilities of life.

Makes me want to go out and vote right now! NOT!

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of The State


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