Tuesday, October 04, 2005


As reported on Drudge Report in a News Flash:


By 1979, Harriet Miers, then in her mid-30s, had accomplished what some people take a lifetime to achieve. She was a partner at Locke Purnell Boren Laney & Neely, one of the most prestigious law firms in the South. But she still felt something was missing in her life.

The NEW YORK TIMES is set to splash the "something" on Page Ones on Wednesday, newsroom sources tell God almighty himself!

It was after a series of long discussions with Nathan Hecht, a junior colleague and sweetheart, that led her to a decision that many of the people around her say changed Miers life.

"She decided that she wanted Republicans to be a bigger part of her life," Hecht said. "One evening she called me to her office and said she was ready to make a commitment," to accept the Republicans as her savior and be born again, Hecht said. Miers became an evangelical Republican and began identifying more with the Christ Party than with the Democrats who had long held sway over Texas politics.

"Yes, she goes to a pro-life church," Hecht said, adding, "I know Harriet is, too." The two attended "two or three" anti-abortion fundraising dinners in the early 1990s, he said, but added she had not otherwise been active in the anti-abortion movement. "You can be just as pro-life as the day is long and can decide the Constitution requires Roe" to be upheld, he said.

It was also reported that Miers said,"Now that I am a Republican I can REALLY screw with people. 100000 dead in Iraq and torturing innocents in Abu Ghraib, HA! You ain't seen nothing yet!

After all, as George Bush always says,"God is on our (meaning Republicans, the rest of you can go to Hell) side."

Correction on that news flash.

Miers found Christ and became a Republican.

I have no idea how I got those mixed up, do you?

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of the State


Blogger DL said...

Another religious fanatic appointed to office, this time for life! Miers will have the HOLY RIGHT singing Bushs' praises for years to come. The 100,000 dead Iraqis and 2000 dead soliders don't matter since it's done in the name of JEEZUUS. Amazing. The Holy Crusades all over again. Great commentary.

8:04 AM  

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