Sunday, June 26, 2005

Eminent Domain: The Essence of The State

As the fallout continues in the Supreme Court decision,one thing is very clear. No one is interested in addressing the real problem,which is The State.

Liberals want to blame the excesses of Capitalism.

Conservatives want lay blame at the feet of Liberal judges and call for more laws forbidding the practice of eminent domain.

And on it goes.

All this discussion got me to thinking, can one call for an end to eminent domain without calling for an end to The State and be consistent?

The answer is a resounding NO!

For what is eminent domain?

Eminent domain is nothing more than the forcible taking of the property of one person to give to another, whether the usage is for Walmart, or a Public need such as a school or road.

To tie this all together, what is the essence of ALL State action including eminent domain?

The essence of ALL State action is the forcible taking of the property of one person to give to another.

See the truth about Liberals and Conservatives is that they do not merely have a difference of opinion. I can live with someone who has a difference of opinion.

The truth is Liberals and Conservatives are nothing more than competing gangs fighting over who can lay claim to the plunder of the State.

Hence neither group will call for an end to the State, they both benefit from the theft.

Therefore in the interest of being consistent I call for an end to eminent domain and the State, but I repeat myself.

For eminent domain is the essence of the State!

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of The State

Saturday, June 25, 2005

YOU ARE THE PROPERTY! or what to take away from the recent SCOTUS decision

For those of you who often retort that things that are unconstitutional will be struck down by the Supreme Court so there's no need to worry I only have one question:

What do you have to say for yourselves now?

In case you have been living under a rock the Supreme Court just ruled that the Government can take your home on behalf of private interests if it can be said that the community would benefit from the razing of your home.

Imagine you have lived in the same home for 50 years and have scrimped and sacrificed to have this castle and now are being told leave or your home will be demolished.

Would you leave or would you fight?

There is nothing I would like to see more than a Waco style standoff in New London Connecticut where this travesty took place.

Then on live TV the entire country would be exposed to the naked aggression of the State as is it commits yet another atrocity on a once free people.

By now people who are reading this are probably saying,"You must be mad! You actually want to see people die?"

No. What I do want to see is for the American people to finally wake up from their deep slumber, put down their toys, and start to reflect more on how tyrannical our Government has become.

A standoff in New London might be the event that finally wakes people up to the truth.

The American people don't own property. The American people are the property!

Not only are you the property, but any property you do "own" can be taken at any time, for any reason, with little if any recourse.

This is because the Government owns your home, car, and any other possessions and will take them from you whenever it see fit to do so and this recent decision by the Supreme Tyrants confirms this.

I would like to finish this piece with a question:

If someone ransacked your entire house and then left and you came home to find this would you turn to your significant other and say,"Honey, if we had just voted for the right people this would've never happened." or "Honey, if we just had the right judges in place this would've never happened."

Of course not! You rightfully would be enraged and say,"There are some people who have no respect for another persons property!"

This includes the Government BTW.

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of The State

Thursday, June 23, 2005


While the Supreme Court was seeing to it that no ones property is safe from legalized plunder done by the Government for the benefit of business, none other than the Governor of NY was proclaiming we would have a Freedom Tower!

Not freedom mind you! But a Freedom Tower!

Yes! Isn't great to live in a country where your property can be taken so Home Depot, Walmart, or a Costco can put up a Supercenter?

Isn't it great to live in a country where your every action is predetermined by what Government permits you to do?

Isn't it great to live in country where all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have already been implemented?

Actually it sounds more like a country filled with this or this.

To those who sneer,"Why don't you move to Canada then!" I finally have a reply that fits and it comes from an article I recently read:

"Why should I leave? I was born and raised here. Get rid of the tyrants. They're the ones who suck."--Freedom and the Flag by Jonathan David Morris

Get rid of the tyrants. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Unfortunately the way this country is going, by any means necessary is coming closer and closer to a reality.

Which fully explains why our elected despots have passed this and this.

They have to keep tabs on us so they can know when an attempt to forcibly remove them from power is being hatched.

As I have said in a previous post,"We're all Terrorists now".

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of The State

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


9/11 was an inside job with controlled demolition as the catalyst.

So says a former Bush Chief Economist at the Department of Labor Morgan Reynolds.

Mr Reynolds has written several compelling articles detailing the numerous holes in the Govt's official story about what happened that day and those articles can be found here.

If you do enough research on the topic of 9/11 you will find out that the owner of the building says on camera that they decided to pull building 7, which is a term used to describe controlled demolition of a building.

I have seen and read enough evidence to be convinced that our Government brought those buildings down.

Below is and except from the article that recently ran in UPI chronicling Mr. Reynolds claims:

"If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an 'inside job' and a government attack on America would be compelling." Reynolds commented from his Texas A&M office, "It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a scientific debate over the cause of the collapse of the twin towers and building 7. If the official wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I believe it is, then policy based on such erroneous engineering analysis is not likely to be correct either. The government's collapse theory is highly vulnerable on its own terms. Only professional demolition appears to account for the full range of facts associated with the collapse of the three buildings."

Folks, like the Reichstag fire, we will have to one day come to grips with what really happened on Sept 11th 2001. Our Government murdered over 3000 people for their own selfish political ends.

History is repeating itself.

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy Of the State

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Rally For Homeland Tyranny

With his head cocked back, looking much like the dictator he proudly claimed he would like to be some time ago, Emperor George W Bushista called for more Homeland Tyranny to be rained down upon the citizenry.

Speaking with a bunch of mindless State automatons standing behind him, Bush said"For the state of our national security, Congress must not rebuild a wall between law enforcement and intelligence."

Yes! We must break down the walls between freedom loving people and Tyrants so the Tyrants can do what they do best, destroy the lives, liberties, and property of a once free people!

The War On Terrorism should be renamed to what it really is, The War On Freedom!

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy Of the State

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bullies For the State Strike Again!

I still cannot believe the cruelty I just witnessed at the hands of the Jack Booted Thugs.

Once again these creatures demonstrate that they are the enemies of freedom.
A woman is stopped for a fake crime and is tasered twice for harming no one.

I think it's about time I start learn how to use a firearm as Government is more and more showing it's true colors, nothing more than organized violence.

Below is a link to a video which reminded why I have nothing but contempt for our Nazi like Police.

The slogan "Serve and Protect" should be updated to reflect what Police really do today which is "Serve and Protect Tyranny"

"How One Tasing Unfolded in Boynton Beach The Aug. 6, 2004 incident began as a normal traffic stop but took an ominous turn when the driver refused to get out of her SUV. It ended with a Boynton Beach Police officer hitting the 22-year-old woman twice with his Taser during her arrest."

Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of The State