The Masked Man Unmasks The Criminal State To Show Us The Monster It Truly Is and In Doing So May Save Humanity From The Madness Of It All.......
Individuals have no power in this modern world.
That is what you've been taught because that is what they need you to believe.
But it is not true.This is why they are afraid and the reason that I am here; to remind you that it is individuals who always hold the power.
The real power. Individuals like me. And individuals like you.
I have come to offer you a deal. If you accept, I will give you a different world.
I have come to offer you a deal. If you accept, I will give you a different world.
A world without curfews, without soldiers and surveillance systems.
A world that is not run by other men but that is run by you.
I am offering you a second chance."--V for Vendetta
Fear is a natural emotion. There is nothing inherently bad or evil about it.
On the contrary, fear can be a great motivator. It can motivate you to do things you only dreamed about and never thought imaginable.
We all have experienced fear at one point or another in our lives. Fear of failure. Fear of growing old. Fear of dying. Fear of never being loved.
Yet, we all overcome these fears to accomplish many things. We become prosperous. We take care of our health to ensure an enjoyable life into our elder years. We make sensible decisions that directly impact our lives to protect our lives and those that we love. We may even find someone to love and start a family.
As I said, fear can be a great motivator and there is nothing inherently bad or evil about it.
However, fear can be used for evil as well as good and this where V for Vendetta and the Criminal State come in.
As V says in the movie,"Fear became the ultimate tool of this government." and he is right both about the Government he knew and the Government we now know.
You might well say "But the Government protects us and if they didn't we'd be dead and then what good is your precious freedoms?"
Now there is the rub.
My response would be is as follows,"What good is your life if you are not free?"
The answer is obviously that it is worth nothing but let me get back to the purpose of this discussion.
And that is of fear.
The Government we currently know uses fear on a daily basis to take our freedoms away and by the looks of things it looks like it is working.
On a daily basis I hear fear mongering about Illegal Immigration, Terrorism, Plagues, Environmental Disaster, Crime, Corrupt Businessmen, to you name it.
And just what is the purpose of this fear mongering?
If you are among the less cynical and tragically most are in this group you would genuinely suggest that The Government truly cares about you and is only doing what is in your best interests. But is it?
As I am in the group with the most cynicism I would submit that the reason for all this is far more insidious, far more sinister than most people would prefer to contemplate.
As was the motivating factor of V's Government it is for your Government.
It is control.
Your Government has used fear to imprison you. Fear has allowed your freedoms and dignity to be robbed from you without a whimper of protest.
The news bombards you with fear to further cloud and contaminate your mind and prevent you from seeing the evil going on all around you.
It happens in the Airport by total strangers who fondle your loved ones, on street corners where Police congregate to harass the innocent. It happens in the halls of Justice where Judges convict people of crimes which don't exist except in the madcap mind of a bureaucrat. It happens in businesses that are terrorized by the States goons into complying with every rule, every regulation out of fear of losing their business. It happens when you pay taxes in compliance of laws that are a fiction but you allow this evil be done to you out of fear. It happens the moment you leave your very house making sure all your papers are in order for fear of being stopped without them.
Fear has served this Government well and will continue to do so because you sheepishly obey it's commands.
Fear has been used by The Criminal State to divide and conquer us all in the pursuit of total power. Or has it?
See it's not over yet. The State still needs many years to completely conquer us as there are still a few with the courage to resist, but for how long?
In the age of Terrorism noncompliance with Government dictates is seen as a dangerous act of sedition and not to be tolerated in the least.
Much like in V for Vendetta those that do resist the evils of the State are labeled traitors, terrorists, or worse and some are even held as enemy combatants.
How did all this happen in such a short period of time and what does it hold for our future and that of our progeny?
V makes a very pointed statement today and it is one many should take to heart although I doubt many will:
"People should not be afraid of their Governments, Governments should be afraid of their people."
If there is one thing I truly hope happens as a result of this Anti State Masterpiece of powerful messages (not the least of which is that it is individuals that make a difference and not collectives) it is this.
I hope people shake off the fear and realize they allowed fear to enable their Government to do evil things in their name and that they will be motivated to put a stop to the madness of it all.
Remember Remember the state of fear the State has plotted to engender.
Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of The State
The state of the terminal state is that it must find new enemies or die...up to, and especially, its subjects. Fear works.
If we are to understand the proper role that government plays within this Republic then we should also gain knowledge about how government deviates from the Constitutional line of authority in it’s usurpations, and the effects deviations have upon this Nation. When a government seeks to usurp power, it normally does so through a myriad of bureaucratic appointments, contrary to Constitutional Order.
Within the bureaucratic labyrinth it can twist the law in a number of ways which will always follow a certain path of base confusion and within that confusion it relies upon one thing to achieve its goals of sovereignty over the People and that is the complacency of the People. Bureaucracy’s intent is to always create a system that can be used to confound the People, one in which there is a “law” for every crime and that law is usually arbitrary, vague and complicated. The “law” becomes relative, hard and cold, without equality or justice, it becomes divisive to society and breaks People into classifications and groups for it’s administration.
Such a government will always extort concessions from the People in increments so small that few realize they have lost a portion of their Liberty and Freedom, and it does so without the slightest regard to justice or the Common Rights of man. There comes a time, in such a system, when the People will always be compelled to surrender some, and generally a large portion of their Freedom in order to live, day to day, within such a society.
A government which declares its sovereignty over the People, one which, like our present government, declares that the People’s Rights are only grants from the government will always resort to coercion in order to maintain it’s supremacy and keep the People “in their place”.
As long as we continue to imagine ourselves subservient to the will of the government, to live and function at the pleasure of the government, we will never see the purpose Liberty and Freedom, nor shall we ever reap the benefits of that Liberty and Freedom!
We must realize that the Liberty we are entitled to enjoy is not derived from this government, nor does this government create it. Government cannot create it, manage it, or export it, the only thing government can do is protect it, nurture it or destroy it through it’s policies. Lest we forget, the Banner of Liberty does not rest within the bowels of government, but in the hearts and minds of the People.
If men of disloyal inclinations, covetous and filled with avarice are allowed to govern with impunity, they will naturally violate the Rights of their fellow Citizens, and under every pretense of good government they will increase their holdings of power to the point that there will cease to regard the Citizen as anything more than a resource for their use.
Men are often deluded into an opinion, that they must endure and therefore maintain the present order as it now stands, that either no change is possible or that to resist the present order will bring only suffering. Men have forgotten the power that the Blessings of Liberty bring, not only to an individual, but also to a Nation. We have been taught the words of Liberty and Freedom, but have never enjoyed the full meaning of the words, nor have we seen the prosperity that Liberty and Freedom bring to a People. We have only witnessed the afterglow of the Liberty and Freedom this Nation once enjoyed, a fading glory from days long past. For decades, the Liberty and Freedom of this Nation have been abridged, mangled in the workings of the growing machinery of government.
As always, when men of questionable character and ambition, who through their covetousness grasp at the reigns of power will promote more and more encroachments on the People’s Liberties until the People can no longer discern the meaning of Liberty. Those with such nature will always endeavor to establish themselves in a state of permanent superiority over the People, and in doing so, the will always betray the trust of the People. For over a century, these types of factious men have, through their artifices, deceived and misled the People through assuming the façade of Patriotism.
They have long strayed from the Path of Liberty and Freedom, and thereby they have led this Nation down a path of eventual despair and destruction.
It is a violation of all that is Right and Good for a man to use the guise of Patriotism to encourage, through legislation and deed, the violation of the Law and the Rights of his fellow men. How can a man call himself a Friend of Freedom, and yet set himself up as what amounts to nothing short of a dictator and tyrant over the People, ignoring the Law as though it was a meaningless piece of paper? It is amazing that the People can still abide those who would use secret practices, and indeed violence to achieve their goals of domination, taking advantage of the unsuspecting security of others, to deprive them of the Free exercise of their Rights.
We have failed to discern that an Honest Man, a real Defender of Freedom, will always openly declare what he has to propose and allow the People to judge the validity of his proposition. He need never hide behind deception in order to promote his proposition, nor the exercise of that proposition. Should we not find it extremely strange the manner in which such men vindicate their position as the cause of Freedom when they seek to first deprive others of their Freedom to establish such a position?
When a man acts in such a manner to promote such claims under the cloak of Patriotism, seeking to gain influence over the People, he becomes the enemy of the People as well as the Nation, a Traitor to the Ideals of Liberty.
We, as a People, have through the decades, lost the traits which once made us a Great Nation, for it takes the most earnest dedication and vigilant exertions to firmly establish and maintain the condition in which Freedom can thrive and flourish. Yet, we have allowed those with sinister views to be entrusted with the powers of government, and in doing so, we have facilitated our own demise and the marginalization of the meaning of Freedom and Liberty.
The hope still abides that there are, within this Nation, those who, despite oppression and opposition to Liberty, will continue to resist the all those who would seek to subvert this Republic and thus destroy our Freedom. If this People are to ever regain their Liberty, their Freedom and their Rights, it must be through Resistance to the State and those who spew out Statist Authoritarian Doctrine.
We live in perilous times, of that there is no doubt, but the peril comes from within our government, more so than from a foreign threat. The Founding Fathers were well aware of the inclination of men in power to seek that power without restraint or limitation, for it is indeed the nature of power to corrupt the hearts and minds of men.
Because of this, the Founding Fathers were keenly aware of the safeguards necessary to define restrictions upon all branches of our government. No one branch would be allowed to become independent of the other in order to fulfill its duties to the Citizens of this Nation. In addition to these restrictions, the Founding Fathers also depended on the outcry of the People to restrict such abbreviations as might occur when those in power stepped outside the boundaries of Constitutional Order.
Unfortunately, there are always those in power who seek to subvert the limitations placed upon them by the use of various means from subtle legislation to Executive Orders which side-step the pure intent of the Law of the Land. During the history of Our Nation, there have been numerous occasions when the one of the three branches of government has stepped outside the bounds of Constitutional Limitations however, none have taken such steps so far as this President and his Administration.
There have been extremely intricate and indeed, industrious attempts to persuade the People that the President has the authority and power to execute changes which, while contrary to the Constitutional Order, are both legal and necessary in order to maintain security over this Nation. Within the purview of National Security, all manor of legislations, Executive Orders, and signing statements have been issued, the majority of which are in direct opposition to Constitutional Order and are thereby should be considered illegal.
This Nation, this People now face a government, which has taken upon itself the ability to abridge just about every Right guaranteed to the People within the Bill of Rights. Indeed, it has placed within the framework of its operation the ability to ignore the Constitution altogether if it deems it necessary, and to do so without any oversight or permission from Congress or indeed, the People.
Under the guise of National Security, this government has implemented measures, which can only be described as fascist in nature, and illegal under all Constitutional Guidelines. They continue to manipulate the interpretation of the Constitution to suit the needs of their agenda, and issue statements which ignore the Rights of the People to even redress their grievances concerning such matters.
This Administration has, through it’s broad interpretation determined that it has the sole right to issue and enforce its Law as it sees fit despite any Constitutional Restrictions which apply. It has taken upon itself the ability to frustrate, deny and indeed, to defeat the Rights of the People by means of its ability, by threat of force or detainment, to usurp the Constitution Order of this Republic.
It ignores the fact that the Constitution was created to govern government and not the People, that the limitations as enumerated within the Constitution were solely intended to place definite limitations and restrictions upon the actions of government.
Although passed by Congress, under duress, the USA Patriot Act is one of the most sweeping fascist measures ever to be introduced within this Nation. Its broad scope of interpretation and implementation makes it one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation to face the Citizens of the Nation.
When reading the 324 page Patriot Act, you will notice the primary theme is Security Interests of the Government. The safeguards are focused upon the government and the ability of the government to act against threats to itself. It is evident that the government is much more interested in securing its position of power and authority than it is with the Rights, Liberty and Freedom of the American People, indeed this document is, in most cases, in direct opposition to the Constitution and thereby nullifies the majority of the Bill of Rights.
When judging the evidence of this governments operation, one thing has become clear, the eyes of the government are upon the American People more so than any external threat of terrorism. The borders and ports are open to just about any “terrorist” who decides to slip across or import weapons into this Nation, yet the government has continued its push to eliminate opposition by the People instead of actually securing this country and its People from the threat of terrorism.
While there is no doubt that We must defend our Nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, We, the People, must remain vigilant against those who seek to erode the very reason for such a defense, and that is Our Constitutional Republic and the Rights it is intended to Protect against the government itself. It is the Duty and the Right of the People to Cast Off the Bonds of Tyranny!
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