My solution for Illegal Immigration: He who owns the property makes the rules....
“If history could teach us anything, it would be that private property is inextricably linked with civilization.”--Ludwig Von Mises
One of the most contentious issues today even among Libertarians is that of Illegal Immigration.
Some people suggest the way to solve this problem is to build a wall on the border between the US and Mexico. I refer to these people as the Berlin Wall people.
Others suggest we should limit the number of people entering the country.
Still others suggest that people who hire Illegals should be punished for doing so as a way of curbing Illegal Immigration. These same people further suggest that people should be punished
for offering housing to Illegals.
Yet another way that is being suggested as a way of curbing Illegal Immigration is to not allow Illegal Immigrants access to any Public services such as Welfare or Hospitals.
What is lost in all these arguments though is what should be the only argument that really matters (and sadly even Libertarians seem to overlook this) and that is of private property.
If you truly own your property (yes I know and I can already hear Libertarians screaming,"BUT YOU DON'T OWN YOUR PROPERTY!!!" but lets put this aside for a moment)
then only you can justly make rules over who is allowed access to it. Not the Federal Government, not the State of Texas, not the Citizens of the US or Texas but you. You are also the only one who can justly distribute it.
Therefore, when someone says you cannot pay someone with the property YOU have earned simply because they have not been granted a privilege known as Citizenship (which is really Government claiming ownership over your life but I digress) then what you are really saying is the Government has a higher claim to an individuals property than the rightful owner does.
This is not a recipe for freedom but Socialism!
The same can be said for someone who offers someone somewhere to stay in exchange for money. The only person that justly make such a decision is the property owner.
"But they're stealing jobs from us Americans!"
I am simply amazed at how many supposedly freedom loving Libertarians have uttered such nonsense.
First it assumes that an economy is some finite piece of pie that at some point reaches full distribution and then anyone left over gets screwed!
Only with Statist distribution does this take place. Been in a Traffic Jam lately?
Second, this suggests that much like Health Care or Public Schooling or Housing that people are entitled to a job and that you can therefore use guns to force people to hire you instead of who they choose to hire regardless of status.
"But it's just not fair that they hire a Mexican at a lower wage instead of hiring me!"
Well as I said to a friend that said this to me,"Your personal feelings don't determine whether or not I get to use my property."
So to summarize:
If someone comes here from Mexico by my invitation then you (either individually or collectively as one of the Citizens of the US or Texas) have NO say in the matter. If I further invite them to work on MY property then you have NO say in the matter. If I further offer them a place for shelter then you have NO say in the matter. This is how individual property rights is SUPPOSED to work which is why the Government is working so hard to SUPPRESS it.
So there you have it, my solution for the Illegal Immigration problem.
He who owns the property makes the rules.
Patrick Sovereign,
Enemy of The State